Thursday, September 12, 2013


I wrote this yesterday. The first part is notes to myself, but I've decided just to put up the notes and not bother writing an intro. I don't want to take away from the short message I wrote after it. This is written solemnly and it is my hope it will be received as such.

Sept 11? Draw from Ken Ham and Jonathan Cahn to say that the national sorrow was human sorrow (feel bad for self) not godly sorrow (we have sinned, let us repent), and led to greater pride (we will rebuild / let us fight back against those who struck us), and so when the nation turned deeper into sin (of which legalized gay marriage is primarily the MARKER), it invited further judgment and  calamity to ‘shake us’. 

The sad thing about Sept 11th isn’t that 3,000 people died, (3,000 people die in abortion every single day) it’s that it reminds us that our nation is under divine judgment for its gross sins against the Almighty. Which is more terrible? That a few thousand perish in a day, or that hundred millions are perishing spiritually at this very moment and are on their way to encounter the eternal wrath of God? In God’s calculus, human catastrophe doesn’t even compare, and He’s fully willing to use shocking disasters as trumpet-calls to alert us, nationally, to stop going the wrong way—and individually as Christians, to urge us to evangelize the lost. This September 11, what did you think of? Do you have a sense of urgency for the souls of your countrymen? If you don’t, then the attacks on September 11 were meant for you. Not to kill you, but to wake you up. Wake up, and “move with godly fear,” to preach the Gospel with urgency in expectation of increasingly frequent and severe calamities to come.

Ken Ham and Ray Comfort would say, no one died on September 11 who was not going to die. Death comes to us all. And we all need to be prepared for it. The focus shouldn’t be on thinking that it was so terrible that these people died unexpectedly, but the focus should be on realizing that you can die unexpectedly, and to prepare yourselves—you do not know when you will die. All that separates you from eternity is a single heartbeat. What have you done to secure your future? And this is how the Christian should turn the question to the sinner, taking the center of the conversation off of the dead and putting it on the dying. Bring the sinner to a conscious recognition of their sin, and then present them with the Gospel. The wonderful thing is that it provides the promise that we won’t stay dead, but live again, forever, with God, if we repent of our sin and put our faith in Him. That’s the only message that really matters, this September 11. 

~ Rak Chazak

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