What follows are some
excerpts of comments I made regarding sexism on a university post – since the
things I said on there are examples of core beliefs I have, you can learn some
things about me by reading them.
Here's the main idea. Third Wave Feminism wants women to be free to make their own decisions (great!) -- which normally might mean that they would be responsible for their own actions, correct? No, not according to the third wave feminist, who simultaneously will demand that a woman be utterly blameless--not responsible on any level whatsoever--for the consequences of her actions, or even her choice to perform those actions, irrespective of consequence! Here is a long analysis from me on this contradiction, followed by a response to a post by an angry 3WFeminist afterwards. The immediate context is a discussion about rape and 'victim-blaming.'
worth considering that there are a number of us who are not personally invested
in the sense that we know people who are deeply affected by depraved sexual
behavior, nor are we people who perpetrate such behavior. I am neither a woman
at risk for sexual assault nor am I the sort of guy who would ever consider
violating a woman in the ways that have been described here (and don't take
that to mean that there are ways I would violate a woman--the English language
isn't clear enough to avoid this vagueness). So as a conclusion, for me to
consider this issue, it is certainly an academic exercise. It is entirely
intellectual, seeing as for me to understand another person's perspective I
cannot sympathize, but must empathize, trying to imagine what
it's like to be in their position and doing all sorts of mental analysis to
consider their statements, and my position, from multiple different angles to
ensure that it all makes sense, both to me and to them. Don't take my lack of
personal involvement to mean that I don't care. But take it to mean that I
can't intimately emotionally understand your exact feelings as it relates to
this topic.”
“[someone I’m commenting sarcastically in response to had made the claim quoted]: "The Vagina Monologues is about ending violence against women..".. By offering, as one of the monologues, a tale where a woman was sexually abused as a child, and then when 13 (later edits change it to 16, because that makes it okay I guess) had lesbian sexual relationships with an older woman, and used to promote the idea "if it was rape, it was good rape," until popular pressure caused that to be edited out as well? Because perversion like this is thrown in whenever an event is held to ostensibly help women, I can not, neither have I been, nor do I suspect I ever will be, able to in good conscience recommend attendance to any woman I happen to interact with. It's junk. And besides being junk, it's freaky weird abusive filth, like 50 Shades of Grey where the woman is beaten by a 'lover' who was abused as a child, and Twilight, where a teenage girl is stalked by a boyfriend who breaks her car to prevent her from meeting her friends.”
“[someone I’m commenting sarcastically in response to had made the claim quoted]: "The Vagina Monologues is about ending violence against women..".. By offering, as one of the monologues, a tale where a woman was sexually abused as a child, and then when 13 (later edits change it to 16, because that makes it okay I guess) had lesbian sexual relationships with an older woman, and used to promote the idea "if it was rape, it was good rape," until popular pressure caused that to be edited out as well? Because perversion like this is thrown in whenever an event is held to ostensibly help women, I can not, neither have I been, nor do I suspect I ever will be, able to in good conscience recommend attendance to any woman I happen to interact with. It's junk. And besides being junk, it's freaky weird abusive filth, like 50 Shades of Grey where the woman is beaten by a 'lover' who was abused as a child, and Twilight, where a teenage girl is stalked by a boyfriend who breaks her car to prevent her from meeting her friends.”
disturbed that several individuals on this thread have indicated that their
primary, or singular, outrage is because the said twitter page includes posts
that concern homosexuality (either as the motivation for posting, or the object
which is posted about). The absence of a comparable outrage over the posts that
are not derogatory re: homosexuals, or casting homosexuals in a bad light,
implies that the posters(on this forum) do not see the other negative posts as
being as bad as the ones they are showing outrage over. Or if they are not as
bad, at least the omission indicates that the poster does not think it matters
as much, for a different reason. This concerns me more than the crude comments
in the first place. The crude comments reveal a lack of basic decency, but the
selective outrage reveals a lack of concern for other people.”
accusing someone of being gay for not seeking heterosexual sex necessarily
anti-gay or is it actually anti-straight? More to the point, is it more
insulting to gays or to straight people who choose abstinence? Being the
latter, this is far more of an insult to straight people who hold to a moral
standard of sexuality more strict than that of "most people," than it
is an insult to someone who is homosexual. It implies that there is no
legitimate reason to not want to have sex with someone except if you're gay.
It objectifies men, declaring that so long as there's an attractive female in
front of you, you're expected to want to have sex with her, and expected to
actually follow through if given the opportunity. It's way more insensitive
toward straight guys than gay guys.”
been this way since middle school/high school. It never bothered me to be
called "gay" or "faggot" because I either didn't fit the
stereotypical sexual or physically aggressive behavior that some other guys
expressed. What concerned me was the assumption that because you didn't highly
prioritize 'getting laid' or because you didn't respond to jerks by threatening
them physically, that this made you effeminate. It really doesn't. Not by
necessity. What it can mean instead is simple: it means you're restrained.
You're like a Vulcan. The Vulcans of Star Trek never show emotions--but it's
not because they don't have emotions. Instead, they're a historically very
emotionally impulsive and aggressive race, who learned over time to suppress
displaying those emotions. It's like that with guys. I have the same basic
desires, turn-ons, temptations etc as other guys. I've just learned to be
restrained, and to rule my emotions, rather than letting my emotions rule over
me. And I'll hazard a guess that this is the case for most other guys that have
self-control, as well.”
question for discussion: Yoga pants/leggings/underarmor/etc -- Tacky or
acceptable attire? The person quoted in the video wants to excuse their ill
behavior by saying "tight fitting clothing made me stare at butts,"
but the fact remains that since there are such people out there, dressing in a
certain way does invite their negative reactions, no matter how unjustified. I
think you can wear whatever you want, but you can't wear whatever you want and
expect to be respected, if you're not respecting yourself by the
clothes--rather, lack thereof--that you wear. Think about what the
abovementioned fabrics do -- they fit tight to the skin, such that if you wear
them without anything on top, you're essentially walking around in pantyhose.
No one can see the color of your skin but that's the ONLY thing they can't see.
Whoever dresses this way is essentially walking around naked. I ask you -- is it appropriate to walk around
naked in front of other people? Ignore the question of how other people react.
That is a separate issue to whether you should be (un)dressed a certain way.
Let's deal with the "it's comfortable" response. I retort, it's
comfortable to go naked when it's warm outside. Is that what you'll be seeking
to justify next? Just because something is comfortable does not make it
acceptable to wear in front of other people. I'm a first-wave feminist. I
believe women should be treated equally in the eyes of the law. What I don't
agree with is second-wave feminism (that asserts that women should be treated
unequally in the eyes of the law) and third-wave feminism (that asserts that
women should be allowed to objectify themselves--and men--sexually, but that
it's somehow wrong when men do it). I think that what is today called
"feminism" is far from what the pro-women feminism of yesteryear was.
What passes for feminism these days is a rush by women to degrade themselves so
that there will be nothing left for men to degrade, as if this removes their
"power over women." Naturally, irresponsible men love this and
encourage it. "Sexual equality" is a ruse; it is not empowering to
engage in sex without considering the consequences. It's not empowering to
dress in ways that tempt males to contemplate your body sexually. It's what
encourages the behavior that offends you so much. Can't you see that the whole
movement of feminism is creating a culture where boys are taught that they have
no responsibility to respect women's bodies, and they'll even be punished if
they try to? What do you think happens as a result? Boys grow up taking what
they can get from girls, knowing that they are free from responsibility,
because feminism has, in its attempt to force a vision of equality, placed all
responsibility on women, while simultaneously encouraging them to be utterly
irresponsible. It's chaos. It's what results in the ludicrous scenario where
girls try to dress as revealingly as possible but get upset when their attire
provokes lustful thoughts and words from the boys around them. If you want to
talk about a sexual double standard, this is it. You can't disrespect yourself
and expect others to respect you. Note what I'm not saying: I'm not saying it's
acceptable for people to disrespect you if you disrespect yourself. What I'm
saying is that by not respecting yourself, you make it easier for
disrespectful young men to be disrespectful of you as well. They can get away
with it because you've undermined yourself and have no moral high ground on
which to stand on to assert that their behavior is wrong. You are right that
they are wrong--but people don't listen to hypocrites.
carefully and you won't misunderstand what I'm saying here. Hopefully what I've
written will make a few people inclined to respond with their thoughts.”
responded, and I replied with this: “Briefly, my statements about the different
waves of feminism are obviously my interpretations as they were relevant to the
current topic of self-respect, and are by no means meant to be exhaustive
definitions. I tried to head off any
misunderstanding of my words, but I think I'll have to try to explain myself
again. Your quote in question is this one:
"Telling a woman that it's her fault that men objectify her or harass her or whatever because of what she's wearing is a manifestation of victim blaming."
This is not what I was doing. Here's the relevant quote I made, and then I'll unpack it: "You can't disrespect yourself and expect others to respect you. Note what I'm not saying: I'm not saying it's acceptable for people to disrespect you if you disrespect yourself. What I'm saying is that by not respecting yourself, you make it easier for disrespectful young men to be disrespectful of you as well. They can get away with it because you've undermined yourself and have no moral high ground on which to stand on to assert that their behavior is wrong. You are right that they are wrong--but people don't listen to hypocrites. " Here I specify that the woman is not responsible for the actions or thoughts of any man toward her.
Do I need to repeat that?
The woman is not responsible for the actions or thoughts of any man toward her.
It can therefore not be victim blaming. Because by definition, I am not blaming
the woman for the behavior of the man.
What did I say, though? I said that the woman carries responsibility for herself (contrary to what 3WF promotes, as I mentioned earlier in that comment). She has responsibility for how she dresses and where she chooses to go. If you disagree, then you will find nothing wrong with a woman parading naked around a max-security all-male prison, and surely you will expect nothing to happen to her, and if it does, then she should not have been expected to know better, and none of it is a result of her actions. If, on the other hand, you find that this is clearly an unacceptable conclusion, then you must also acknowledge for the existence of caveats regarding your implied assertion that the woman is not responsible. And hence, I think you ought to agree that women have a responsibility to think about and make responsible decisions regarding what to wear and where to go.
You must interpret this in light of what I've already told you, i.e. that the woman is not responsible for the actions of the men around her. Otherwise you are not being charitable in entertaining my reasoning.
What did I say, though? I said that the woman carries responsibility for herself (contrary to what 3WF promotes, as I mentioned earlier in that comment). She has responsibility for how she dresses and where she chooses to go. If you disagree, then you will find nothing wrong with a woman parading naked around a max-security all-male prison, and surely you will expect nothing to happen to her, and if it does, then she should not have been expected to know better, and none of it is a result of her actions. If, on the other hand, you find that this is clearly an unacceptable conclusion, then you must also acknowledge for the existence of caveats regarding your implied assertion that the woman is not responsible. And hence, I think you ought to agree that women have a responsibility to think about and make responsible decisions regarding what to wear and where to go.
You must interpret this in light of what I've already told you, i.e. that the woman is not responsible for the actions of the men around her. Otherwise you are not being charitable in entertaining my reasoning.
So if men's actions toward her are not her fault, what do I mean by saying that
the woman bears responsibility for herself? I simply mean that any intelligent
woman knows that despite the fact that men should not behave a certain
way, there are men who do behave that way, and to ignore this fact of
reality is not doing anything to promote female equality. To ignore it would be
stupid, and it puts women at risk and in danger. If you dive headfirst into a
pool and break your neck, it is not your "fault" that the water was
shallow. But you made the wrong decision in failing to recognize that it was
shallow and alter your behavior to protect yourself. I'm not comparing men's
decisions with laws of nature, as if men don't have a choice. The comparison is
of the fact of the existence of men who will make these decisions to the
fact of the existence of the shallow water in the pool. You can't deny that
these men are out there. Wishful thinking about how they SHOULD behave does
nothing to change the reality. Acting according to what you think SHOULD be the
case rather than acting according to what you know to be true reality is
moronic. I hope this is more clear. Women don't bear the responsibility for
men's lustful thoughts. They do bear responsibility for knowingly tempting
those thoughts. Tempting a man who is in control of himself will not result in
an incident. Tempting a man who gives in to temptation because he lacks self
control will. And every woman should be aware that the second type of man is
'out there,' and should be wise enough to not provoke them unnecessarily. Being
attractive is not something you can help. Being a woman is not something you
can help. Wearing clothes that reveal your figure, to an extent, is not
something you can help. Wearing skin-tight articles of clothing that show
everyone exactly what you look like naked is something that you are eminently
in control over, and have a responsibility to consider carefully before
deciding to do.
‘I think focus needs to be shifted from women and what they're wearing to the
men who think that women are inherently theirs to look at and objectify/deem
"respectable" or not/etc.’
I would like to propose is that the culture of 3WF has created these men. The
solution to their existence, then, is not 3WF. It is the rejection of 3WF and a
return to SENSIBLE agendas for the elevation of women's welfare that will
produce the desired results. The sad problem is that 3WF's goals are
inconsistent with the methods by which its followers seek to bring about those
goals. The focus should not be on the
men who objectify women, nor the women who are objectified, but on the culture
perpetuated by a movement that itself objectifies women and bizarrely believes
that men ought somehow to remain unaffected by this.”
the sake of definitions, When I say the woman is not responsible for men's
actions toward her, I use "responsible" to mean "at fault
for." When I say the woman is responsible for how she dresses, I use
"responsible" to mean "morally obligated to make correct choices
in governing oneself." Hopefully this helps avoid any equivocation over
the meaning of the word in this discussion.”
Please also see a related blog post made earlier in 2013 about "Feminism, Male Privilege, and Rape Culture," in which I tie the solution (of the ills that 3WF rails against and perpetuates) into the Gospel.
~ Rak Chazak